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Cash may not be your best option.

Funds to pay for home improvement projects may come from your savings, tax rebates, bonuses, or some other source. But that trend is changing. Savvy homeowners are realizing that unsecured loans (like those from EnerBank) are easier to get, are faster to process, and reduce exposure to financial risk.

Here are some of the reasons EnerBank's unsecured home improvement loans make sense:

  • No waiting. Get the entire project you want completed now the way you want it, instead of waiting to save up the cash.

  • Flexibility. Styles, prices, and models change frequently. Avoid product and other changes by completing your entire project now instead of in stages.

  • Unbeatable payment options. More ways to pay for your home improvement project. Ask your contractor about all your choices.

  • Financial flexibility. If your circumstances change, you may need cash reserves as a back-up plan for life's necessities.

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Your loan should work for you, not against you.

Historically, many homeowners have paid for home improvement projects with cash or home equity lines of credit. A home equity line of credit can be called in, and the maximum loan amount can be reduced at any time.  Our loans have many advantages over other funding options, including the following:

  • Low, fixed interest rates. These rates are easily available to anyone with good credit.

  • Unsecured. You don't have to put up your house as collateral.

  • Keeps your home equity intact. Reducing home equity takes away future options.

  • No headaches. After all your hard work and planning, you've earned a quick, hassle-free loan experience, and you get a response within minutes.

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Paying with a credit card could double what you pay for your home improvement project.

Credit cards offer homeowners promotional interest rates and terms to entice you to use your credit cards to pay for home improvements. These promotional rates and terms may be limited by time or to certain conditions, which, if not met, could significantly increase the amount you will ultimately pay for your project.

EnerBank, unsecured loans are better than credit cards for home improvements because of the following:

  • Loan commitment. We offer a 120-day credit commitment on all our loan approvals; credit cards don't.

  • Lower interest rates. Our loan rates are typically much lower than standard credit card rates.

  • Fixed interest rates. Your rates never change for the life of the loan, even if you are late with a payment.

  • Maintain liquidity. We all know credit cards are especially helpful if an emergency arises. Don't take away this kind of emergency safety net by maxing out your cards on a planned project.